
Sharks and rays of Cap de Creus


Inside the Natural Park of Cap de Creus we can find a lot of biodiversity, both animal and plant. In this case, we bring you two infographics where you can see the different species of sharks and rays that can be found in the park.

Port of Roses reaffirms its commitment to the environment and obtains the international EMAS certification


For the sixteenth consecutive year, the Port of Roses obtains the renewal of the international and EMAS certification, attesting to its good environmental management, after successfully passing the external audit that has evaluated various aspects of the port's management quality in different areas such as accessibility, security, sustainability, information and education, legal compliance,...

To guarantee this good environmental policy, Port de Roses establishes measures in its management to minimize the impacts of its activity on the environment, reducing the consumption of energy and water resources and promoting the correct management of waste, both domestic and special, which are generated at the port. Disclosure, training and awareness goals are also set among port users, through …

Vehicle access to the Cap de Creus National Park from Roses, closed from June 22 to September 11


Roses is bringing forward this season the period of limitation of access to vehicles with four wheels or more in the Cap de Creus Natural Park, which will take place from June 22 to September 11. The hours of the traffic ban will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., every day of the week. The aim of the limitation is to avoid saturations, a harmful impact on the natural environment and possible risks in cases of emergencies that require the activation of civil protection protocols.

The Rosinca coves located in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus receive strong pressure during the summer season, which is not compatible with the conservation objectives of the natural space, nor with the safety of the users. The data collected in previous years show - with an average of 300 vehicles returned from the access point per day during the month of July and nearly 700 in August - the need…

The Port of Roses Marina obtains, once again, the Blue Flag award


The Sports Port of Roses has just revalidated the Blue Flag award which recognizes the facility's commitment to the protection of the marine environment. Blue Flag is awarded by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) through the qualifications of an international jury that scores various aspects of the quality of a marina: safety, accessibility, sustainability, information and education.

In its section corresponding to Sports Ports, Bandera Blava promotes the rational use of resources in nautical facilities and activities and the awareness of people who use these facilities about the need to protect the marine environment and sustainable navigation. To guarantee a good environmental policy, the Port of Roses establishes different measures in its management in order to minimiz…

The Marina implements sustainable measures for cleaning boats


In response to the drought crisis affecting the Roses area, the town's marina has taken an exemplary initiative to conserve water. A second recycled water tank has been installed in the Grup d'Esports Nàutics (GEN) area for cleaning the boats that use the ramp. This new facility has a capacity of 5,000 litres and is filled with water from the Estació Depuradora d'Aigües Residuals (EDAR) of the …

The cleaning of the Port Esportiu seabed collects 610 kg of waste plus the container.


On Sunday 22nd October, the Club Badia de Roses organised the XX Neteja del fons mar, an annual event held in collaboration with the Port Esportiu de Roses, Roses Zero Plastics and the City Council's Department of the Environment, which on this occasion made it possible to remove a total of 450 kg of waste from the seabed of Platja de Palangrers.

The specific area where action was taken on Sunday was the seabed of the Platja de Palangrers beach and the land area of the beach and the second moll's breakwater, and allowed the extraction of a large quantity of glass ampoules, caps, plastic bottles, plastic bags and a large container. Port de Roses is collaborating with this initiative with the contribution of professionals from its staff to r…

Roses enters a state of emergency due to drought.


As of today, Tuesday, September 26, the water restrictions for municipalities in a state of emergency due to drought come into force in Roses, which includes limiting water consumption to a maximum of 200 liters per inhabitant and day

Today, Tuesday 26 September, resolution ACC/3238/2023 enters into force , declaring a state of emergency due to hydrological drought in the operating unit of the Darnius Boadella reservoir, where Roses belongs. The resolution is the result of the evaluation of the Interdepartmental Drought Commission (made up of the departments of the Vice Presidency, Climate Action, Interior, Economy, Business…

Access restrictions on the Rosinca side of the Cap de Creus National Park have prevented the entry of 28,100 vehicles. 05/09/2023


On August 31 ended the period of circulation restrictions in the Natural Park of Cap de Creus from the municipality of Roses, which began last July 15 and for the third consecutive year, as a protective measure to avoid saturation, the 'impact on the natural environment and possible risks in cases of emergencies. The restriction has prevented a total of 28,100 vehicles from entering the park during this period

The restrictions implemented have been active in Roses every day between 10.30 and 16.30 for vehicles with 4 wheels or more, through an access control point located at the height of the Torre d'en Sastre and managed with informants . During the second half of July, 400 vehicles per day were prevented from entering the Park on average, while in August this number rose to 700 vehicles per day.   "…

Port of Roses promotes sustainability with the incorporation of an electric vehicle.


Roses, 24 August 2023 - In an outstanding demonstration of its commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability, the Roses Marina has taken a firm step towards reducing its carbon footprint. In line with its objectives defined in the ISO 14001 standard and the EMAS Regulation and within the framework of the "Cuidem Roses" initiative, the port has incorporated a Nissan Leaf ele…

Cala Murtra, responsible snorkeling itinerary


The Cap de Creus Natural Park has promoted the first itineraries for responsible snorkeling. These are three itineraries that want to help account for sports activity and the need to conserve the biodiversity of protected marine spaces. One of these spaces is Cala Murtra, located in the municipality of Roses.

The starting points of each itinerary are located in three different coves: Cala Tamariua, Portlligat and Cala Murtra. The route located in Cala Murtra (Roses) is between 300 and 600 meters long. It allows you to observe more sandy bottom species such as spider fish, roger, hake, sea cucumber and shoals of cuttlefish and chestnuts, among others. The itinerary that leaves Cala Tamariua (Port de l…

Drought exceptionality. 08/06/2023


Water restrictions on urban uses for municipalities in a state of exceptionality.

“Cavallet Blau” boat cleaning point using recycled water. 30/03/2023


In 2008, the Port of Roses was at the forefront of Catalonia's marinas in using recycled water for industrial uses, as it had a facility for cleaning boats using water from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Estació Depuradora d’Aigües Residuals, EDAR).

In 2008, the Port of Roses was at the forefront of Catalonia's marinas in using recycled water for industrial uses, as it had a facility for cleaning boats using water from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Estació Depuradora d’Aigües Residuals, EDAR). This year, 2023 we find ourselves in a similar situation and once again, the Consorci de la Costa Brava, which manages the treatment plants, has …

New electric vehicle charging stations at the Roses Marina. 03/03/2023


As of this week, the Roses Marina has three electric vehicle charging stations, one of which is adapted for vehicles for people with reduced mobility, and a linked charging station, all of which are now operational.

The three semi-fast stations have a power of 22 kW, while the linked station has 7.4. Each of the equipment has two connectors that allow one vehicle to be charged at maximum power or to be split equally in the case of two vehicles being plugged in at the same time. The recharging areas are located in the marina car park that runs parallel to Rhode Avenue. They are properly signposted (green paint…