Collection of oils and hydrocarbons
The collection of motor oil and filters is done at the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” together with the other hazardous waste. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned before depositing oils in the proper container.
Selective collection of glass, paper and cardboard
Packaging, paper, cardboard and glass must be placed in suitable containers, strategically placed in groups of green islands around the harbour. Packaging (yellow container).
Paper and cardboard (blue container). Glass (green container) Large quantities must be placed directly into large containers located in the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” or along the promenade.
Refuse Collection
The remains of (unclassified) refuse must be placed in appropriate containers, strategically placed in groups of green islands around the harbour. Refuse (grey container). Large quantities must be placed directly into large containers located in the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” or along the promenade.
Collection of sewage (suction)
Sewage from grey and black water tanks on boats are suctioned by pumps located on the waiting pier at the entrance and at the centre of the port, both on the starboard side. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned in order to operate it.
Bilge pump suction
Oily bilge waters are suctioned by the pump located next to the petrol station at the entrance of the port. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned in order to operate it.
All these services are offered free of charge to users.