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“Cavallet Blau” boat cleaning point using recycled water. 30/03/2023

Nachrichten | 30/03/2023

In 2008, the Port of Roses was at the forefront of Catalonia's marinas in using recycled water for industrial uses, as it had a facility for cleaning boats using water from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Estació Depuradora d’Aigües Residuals, EDAR).

In 2008, the Port of Roses was at the forefront of Catalonia's marinas in using recycled water for industrial uses, as it had a facility for cleaning boats using water from the Wastewater Treatment Plant (Estació Depuradora d’Aigües Residuals, EDAR).

This year, 2023 we find ourselves in a similar situation and once again, the Consorci de la Costa Brava, which manages the treatment plants, has been asked to provide us with the water from the tertiary water treatment phase which undergoes a subsequent hyperchlorination process to eliminate health risks.

The facility is known as the "Cavallet Blau" and consists of a polyester tank with a capacity of 10,000 litres and incorporates a pressure system to pump the water with the force necessary to feed the hoses. It is located at the entrance to the port and is easily accessible by all types of vessel. The service is offered free of charge and it has been introduced by the Port of Roses as an alternative to using drinking water that, until now, was used at each mooring point. This is a result of the drought we are experiencing and the Port of Roses has been obliged to prohibit the use of drinking water for cleaning vessels both by the Drought Decree issued by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the official announcement published by Roses Town Council.

Users interested in using this service must go to the entrance to the port (starboard side) and moor their vessel. Here, there are two hoses with flow regulation devices available for cleaning boats. This service is free and, upon request on VHF channel 9, our seafaring staff will help users with the mooring manoeuvre.