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General information

EMAS (the English acronym for Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) is the EU voluntary instrument which acknowledges organisations that improve their environmental performance on a continuous basis. The scheme has been available for participation by companies since 1995 and was originally restricted to companies in industrial sectors. Since 2001 EMAS has been open to all economic sectors including public and private services.

In 2009 the EMAS Regulation was revised and modified for the second time. It was published on 22 December 2009 and entered into force on 11 January 2010.

As in the ISO 14001, processes based on continuous improvements are an essential requirement of the EMAS management systems with regard to environment. The process of continuous improvement is a well known concept in quality management.

More than 4,100 registered organisations are legally compliant, run an environmental management system and report on their environmental performance through the publication of an independently verified environmental statement. They are recognised by the EMAS logo, which guarantees the reliability of the information provided. Certified organisations include industrial companies, small and medium enterprises, services, third sector organisations, administrations and international organisations (including the European Commission and the European Parliament themselves.


There are some requirements which must be fulfilled by organizations for the registration of EMAS.

  1. The organization must have a Policy related to the Environment
  2. There must be on site review of the Policy
  3. There must be clear objectives of the organization regarding Environment, on the basis of Policy and Review discuss above
  4. Audit of the matter related to the Environment
  5. A clear statement by the organization regarding the Environment

General information

The Blue Flag Campaign: 

This marina has been awarded with the Blue Flag. The Blue Flag is awarded to marinas that make a special effort with regard to the environmental management of the port and the surrounding natural area and that it provides users with information on environmental issues.
In order to obtain the Blue Flag, the marina must meet a series of requirements related to accessibility, education and environmental information, environmental management and security services, as well as cleaning and water quality.

Some details about Blue Flag: 

The Blue Flag is an award granted by the Foundation fro Enviromental Education (FEE), a non-governmental and environmental organization, represented by national organizations in 40 countries in 5 continents. ADEAC is the representative branch for FEE in Spain.The Blue Flag is an award for environmental quality which is granted to beaches and marines.
The Blue Flag covers four main areas: 1) information and education 2) Environmental management 3) Safety and services 4) Water quality.
The Blue Flag is an award that is granted for one season and it is only valid while the beach is still eligible. When this is not the case, the blue flag should be lowered by port authorities
Each national organization of the FEE Blue Flag inspects the Blue Flag sites, at least annually, during the season.

You can also help the campaign actively contributing to environmental protection:

  • Follow the instructions of the code of conduct in the marina and its surroundings.
  • Use environmentally friendly products for paints, detergents, etc..
  • Report pollution or other violations of environmental authorities.
  • Save water, electricity and fuel.
  • Encourage other boaters to take care of the environment.

These are the names and addresses of local national Blue Flag managers. You can help the campaign by contacting any of them stating your opinion on the degree of compliance of the marina with regard to the Blue Flag criteria. This will help ensure that the quality standards required for the Blue Flag are maintained.

C/ General Lacy 3 Portal 1 1ºB
28045 Madrid Spain
Tel: +34 914 353 147
Fax: +34 914 350 597
Blue Flag operator: Virginia Yuste Abad.

Avinguda de Rhode,s/n
17480 Roses
Tel: 972 15 44 12
Fax : 972 15 38 68
Mail :
Person in charge: Juan Sáenz de Santa María

Environmental code of conduct for boat users

I will contribute to a responsible environmental management of the port and its surroundings

  1. Saving water.
  2. Saving electricity.
  3. Saving oil derivative fuels.
  4. Placing non-special waste (paper, cardboard, cans, glass and waste) in the corresponding containers.
  5. Placing special waste in the PUNT BLAU Blue Point.
  6. Using grey water suction pumps.
  7. Using bilge water suction pumps.
  8. Keeping, the sea, the beach and the marina clean: without throwing any plastic or any other type of rubbish into the sea or onto the beach.
  9. Not pouring or letting out harmful or toxic liquids from the bilges or sewage tanks.
  10. Using environmentally friendly products.
  11. Complying with the maritime law, behaving responsibly, without causing damage to marine ecosystems and to other people’s rights, as well as respecting the sea and spreading the code of conduct at sea.
  12. Finding out about the location and characteristics of sensitive areas of scientific importance as well as the location of nature reserves and protected ecosystems in order to avoid accidental damage.
  13. Not anchoring in sensitive areas to prevent degradation of the seabed and Posidonia meadows, or where anchoring could interfere with the fishermen’s activities or facilities. Respecting the rules relating to diving and spear fishing.
  14. Not acquiring or using objects made from protected species (coral, shells, etc.,) or from underwater archaeological sites, whose origin or legality is not proven.

General information

European Charter for Sustaniable Tourism

The CETS is a work tool that accredits the tourism management of protected natural spaces and the defined scope of action and the companies that carry out their activity in a key of sustainability.

The distinction of MP PORT DE ROSES, SA in 2024 with the CETS highlights the relationship and link with the Cap de Creus Natural Park and the commitment to the development of a sustainable tourist activity in the territory.

That is why we are committed to implementing a program of actions for three years. Certificate of adhesion of MP PORT DE ROSES, SA with the CETS.

Port de Roses is very aware of the natural value of the environment and the protection of the natural environment. Apart from providing information (panels throughout the port and brochures) on how to act within the PNCC space and what is prohibited, it also offers free collection of dirty water and bilges to sailors. We have started the training of staff, which will increase until we have 100% of staff trained. Every year environmental improvements are made, in recent years all the lighting has been changed to LEDs, taps with sensors.
A section of the Natural Park has been included on the website giving information to users in different languages (cat, cast, fr, ang, al) with a link directly to how to access it and direct access to the guide map and the park itineraries. Our first mission is that the visitor knows that they are within a Natural Park.
In 2022, ecological anchors were installed in Montjoi cove, replacing the concrete ones and cleaning the bottom of the cove. An intermediate buoy is placed between the chain so that it does not drag along the bottom and spoil the posidonia.

Combustion vehicles are currently being replaced by electric vehicles. We now have 1 electric motorcycle, two electric cars, and electric scooters for seasonal staff. 8 charging points for electric vehicles have been installed in the parking area.
Within the Port Roses website, in the VILLA DE ROSES section, the information on the LOCAL PRODUCERS GUIDE has been added where the user can have access to the addresses and products offered by them.

Port Roses has signed an agreement with the Xarxa Catalana de Marcatge i Seguiment de Fauna Aquàtica (Catalan Tracking Network) of the University of Barcelona for the conservation of natural heritage. Two receivers will be installed (one inside the mouth and one outside the port) to increase the network of acoustic telemetry stations and fish marking will be carried out.

For more information:

General information

  • Collection of oils and hydrocarbons
    The collection of motor oil and filters is done at the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” together with the other hazardous waste. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned before depositing oils in the proper container.


  • Selective collection of glass, paper and cardboard
    Packaging, paper, cardboard and glass must be placed in suitable containers, strategically placed in groups of green islands around the harbour. Packaging (yellow container).
    Paper and cardboard (blue container). Glass (green container) Large quantities must be placed directly into large containers located in the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” or along the promenade.


  • Refuse Collection 
    The remains of (unclassified) refuse must be placed in appropriate containers, strategically placed in groups of green islands around the harbour. Refuse (grey container). Large quantities must be placed directly into large containers located in the “PUNT BLAU” “Blue Point” or along the promenade.


  • Collection of sewage (suction)
    Sewage from grey and black water tanks on boats are suctioned by pumps located on the waiting pier at the entrance and at the centre of the port, both on the starboard side. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned in order to operate it. 


  • Bilge pump suction
    Oily bilge waters are suctioned by the pump located next to the petrol station at the entrance of the port. The Harbour Master’s Office must be warned in order to operate it.

All these services are offered free of charge to users.