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Fire drill on a pleasure boat in the port of Roses.

Nachrichten | 15/10/2023

This Wednesday, a fire drill took place on a recreational boat that was moored to the pier attached to the harbor dock of the Roses marina.

This Wednesday, a fire drill took place on a recreational boat that was moored to the pier attached to the harbor dock of the Roses marina. In the exercise, there were two injuries of varying degrees, one, in the burning boat and the other, in the rescue tasks of the first one. The exercise has been organized by Civil Protection of the Generalitat, Ports de la Generalitat and Port Roses, with the collaboration of Roses City Council.

With this drill, the Self-Protection Plan of the Port of Roses (PAU), which has had its review approved since 2014, and the Internal Maritime Plan of the Port of Roses have been put to the test. Likewise, the exercise has served to check the coordination between the various acting means, and will serve to review and update, if necessary, the protocols established in the PAU. The next review is scheduled for the end of 2024.


The exercise provided for the activation in the pre-alert phase of the Special Emergency Plan for Marine Water Pollution in Catalonia (CAMCAT), and involved the coordination and participation of the following media:

  • Media PAU: Participation of seafaring staff and the Port of Roses.

  • Municipal media: Participation of the local police of Roses.

  • Generalitat media: Participation of Firefighters, SEM and Mossos d'Esquadra.


Development of the simulation

The fire on the boat has been simulated with smoke canisters. The Port Roses marine department has detected the fire on a ship and has alerted the emergency number 112 of Catalonia, the harbor lifeguard and the Local Police. Once the emergency was confirmed, the rest of the notices were made from the port to the Catalan Emergency Coordination Center CECAT of Civil Protection of the Generalitat and the Civil Guard.

After receiving the warning of the emergency, the lifeguard waited for the arrival of the external emergency means at the entrance of the port to indicate to them the exact point where the fire occurred. In the meantime, the head of marine at the Port of Roses has left access to its facilities open until the Mossos d'Esquadra and the Local Police have taken over this control task.

The marine department of the Port of Roses has been set up as an intervention team and has evacuated the affected area to carry out the isolation tasks of the burning vessel. The jetty has facilitated anti-pollution barriers to contain the spillage of fuel from the vessel.


Intervention of the security forces

A truck from the Roses park has been activated by the Generalitat Fire Brigade . Upon arrival, the head of intervention was informed of the situation by the port's emergency manager and they proceeded to carry out the protocol of maneuvers established with the navy. In this sense, priority has been given to the evacuation of the injured, the firebreak has been created around the burning vessel and work has been done to extinguish the fire. Subsequently, the fuel spill has been stabilized by creating a foam bed.

The Mossos d'Esquadra body , together with the Local Police, have developed functions of the order group and have established access controls and security perimeters for the intervention.

From the Maritime Unit of Mossos d'Esquadra, together with the Maritime Service of the Civil Guard, they have also carried out access controls at the mouth of the port. A Maritime Rescue vessel and a Maritime Service vessel of the Civil Guard also participated.

The Medical Emergencies System (SEM) has been responsible for health care to the two victims of the fire on a boat in the Port of Roses.

Once the units have arrived at the site of the incident, they have gone to the Head of the Intervention and an Evaluation Cell has been created where information has been exchanged and the strategy to address the patients has been decided .

The SEM has waited for the extraction of the injured from one of the affected boats and has subsequently started health care in order to be able to transfer them to the appropriate destination hospital where their pathologies will be treated.

A total of 2 ambulances took part in the drill, one from SVB Basic Life Support and one from SVA Advanced Life Support, the Operational Coordination Unit (UCO) and the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) unit, which involved the participation of 6 SEM professionals.

Civil Protection of the Generalitat participated in the exercise with the staff of the Territorial Services of the Interior in Girona and members of the Territorial Operation.

Several observers have also participated (Ports of the Generalitat, Mossos d'Esquadra, SEM, Civil Protection and municipal and regional technical staff), with the aim of evaluating the actions for their future review. For its part, the SEM has recorded the exercise with a drone to make a complete assessment of the drill.


