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Representatives of Roses' economic sectors participate in a session to plan future strategies

Nachrichten | 10/10/2024

Last Saturday, a group session took place at the Teatre Municipal de Roses for the elaboration of the Strategic Plan for Local Economic Development and Employment of Roses, which was attended by representatives of different economic sectors of the municipality. The Plan, promoted by the Economic Promotion area of ​​the City Council, aims to frame the strategies and actions to boost the economy in the municipality during the period 2025-2029.

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan will be the new road map that will mark the initiatives and projects that the Economic Promotion Area will implement in the coming years to continue reactivating the economy and dynamizing the local society of Roses. The basis is the utilization of the own resources existing in the territory and the cooperation of the different agents, in order to stimulate and diversify economic activity, creating employment and improving the quality of life and well-being of the local population.


In the session held last Saturday, more than 20 representatives from different economic sectors of the municipality participated ( restaurants, construction, primary sector, secondary schools, Port of Roses, professional associations, service companies... ), who draw up proposals based on the social or economic diagnosis of the municipality that was presented, in order to define the action plan to be carried out by the Economic Promotion area in the coming years.


The Plan is carried out by a consulting company expert in local economic development, which since last June has initiated contacts with socio-economic agents of the population through individual interviews and group sessions , with the aim of making them participate in the planning, gather their vision and, based on their experience and needs, define future actions.




Representatives of Roses' economic sectors participate in a session to plan future strategies