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Renewal of the collaboration agreement between the Ports of Catalonia and the Ports of Occitania

News | 30/07/2024

The event serves to take stock of the agreement signed in Canet-en-Roussillon in November 2021, as well as to set the objectives of the relationship for the next 3 years.

Ports of Catalonia-ACPET and UVPO (Ports of Occitania) signed last Thursday 27 June the renewal of the collaboration agreement between the two associations. The event served to take stock of the agreement signed in Canet-en-Roussillon in November 2021, as well as to set the objectives of the relationship for the next 3 years. The signing was attended by the President of the UVPO, Serge Pallares, the Vice-President of Ports Catalunya-ACPET, Raimon Roca, the Director General of Ports of the Generalitat, Annabel Moreno, and the President of the CN Port de la Selva, Lluís Fraguell, among other representatives of the Catalan and French ports.

Raimon Roca took stock of the actions carried out between the two associations over the last three years, highlighting the exchange of brochures of the ports both in Catalonia and in Occitania. The presence of UVPO and Ports de Catalunya-ACPET in the nautical events held in Occitania and Catalonia. Proposals have been made to the Administrations and Natural Parks for regulatory changes in the field of good boating practices, particularly in protected areas. We also took part in specific technical conferences organised in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation and the energy and ecological transition to ports. In the field of sporting events, the two associations have supported those of a cross-border nature such as regattas and others. Moreover, sectoral studies have been shared on the development of ports, their social and economic impact and the evolution of their uses, and training trips have been made to both Occitania and Catalonia. Finally, in the field of training, the Erasmus project has been carried out in which students from Occitania have carried out practical work experience in companies in the nautical sector in Roses and Sant Feliu de Guíxols.

The Vice President of Ports of Catalonia-ACPET also detailed the objectives of the renewal of the agreement for the next 3 years, which are: To work and intensify the traffic of sport and leisure boats in the sailing areas of Occitania and Catalonia by means of promotional actions. To study, propose and publicise the best navigation and anchoring practices in the common navigation area, and in particular in the Natural Parks and sensitive protection areas. To study and share the best techniques and experiences with regard to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change and the energy and environmental transition in port infrastructures.

Support and promote traditional maritime sporting and cultural activities and events of a cross-border nature in both regions. Finally, to share sectoral studies and training activities of interest to both parties.

Serge Pallares, President of the Ports of Occitania (UVPO), stressed that collaboration between the two associations is not only a geographical necessity but also a strategic opportunity for the two regions and their economies. Annabel Alonso, Director General of Ports of the Generalitat, stressed the importance of the renewal of the agreement as ‘it is the legal embodiment of a historical fact since Northern and Southern Catalonia have always been the same country with the same language, demonstrating the natural twinning of the two regions’.

After the signing ceremony the attendees were taken on a guided tour of the Club's facilities and to finish off a meal was held in the recently inaugurated Nautico Port de la Selva restaurant.




