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Port of Roses and UB collaborate on an acoustic telemetry project to study the movement of fish

News | 20/08/2024

The marking of 10 fish in the Port of Roses will allow us to obtain data to learn about the behavior of different species and the connectivity between the habitats they occupy throughout their lives. The studies are the result of the agreement signed between the Port of Roses and the University of Barcelona for the development on the Rosin coast of the Catalan Tracking Network, which analyzes the behavior of species and works on conservation of biodiversity.

Pollution, invasive species, overfishing, climate change and the impact of human activities are factors that threaten marine biodiversity throughout the Mediterranean. In order to improve the management of the conservation of marine habitats and species, it is essential to know the characteristics of each ecosystem. Knowledge provided by the Catalan Tracking Network, which Roses has just joined through the Port Esportiu.

Integrated in the RESMED project (Network of marine reserves and integrated management of transboundary Mediterranean coastal areas), the Catalan Tracking Network consists of the incorporation of marking and recapture techniques through acoustic receivers (hydrophones), which allow deciphering patterns of activity and movement of marine species. The aim of the study is the development and management of the ecological networks of marine reserves, the management of fisheries, the conservation of biodiversity and adaptation to climate change, promoting sustainability in the maritime section of the coast of Roses.


10 chipped fish in Roses

The Port Esportiu de Roses joins the project with the installation of a network of hydrophone receivers and the marking of 10 fish. Last week 1 bream, 1 bream, 5 bream and 3 sea bass were caught and chipped . The catch was made with the collaboration of fishermen from the Catalan Responsible Fishing Association of the province of Girona.

From now on, researchers from the University of Barcelona will analyze and transmit to Port de Roses the data obtained with these devices, which allow us to know the movement of species, the essential habitats throughout their life cycle (feeding, reproduction and breeding), their displacement capacity (distances, habitats used and periods), and the connectivity of the populations between the different marine protected areas.

One of the values ​​is to see that the marinas are not dead places but that there is life inside them and especially the one in Roses which is between the two natural parks (Cap de Creus and Aiguamolls de l'Empordà). With this action, PortRoses continues to advance in sustainable management promoted through the certifications EMAS, ISO14001, Badera Blava, Segell Cuidem Roses and the CETS (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism) that it holds, as well as in the upcoming obtaining of the destination seal sustainable tourism Biosphere in which the City Council is currently working.

The marking and tracking network of aquatic fauna (Catalan Tracking Network) is developed by the University of Barcelona together with the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat of Catalonia. The RESMED project (Network of Marine Reserves and Integrated Management of Mediterranean Transboundary Coastal Zones), is a scientific initiative coordinated by Professor Bernat Hereu, from the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) of the UB and has for the purpose of generating and transferring scientific knowledge for the conservation and sustainable exploitation of the sea coast.




Port of Roses and UB collaborate on an acoustic telemetry project to study the movement of fish